9, Issue No 1, March 2022 <<Previous Volume II Next Volume>>
Issues in Volume 9 Original Articles
Assessment of Haemoglobin Genotype Variants in Malaria Infected Patients of Two Government Hospitals in Plateau State, North Central Nigeria
Njila Livinus Hasley; Grace S. Onyike; Akwashiki Ombugadu.
Transactions on Science and Technology, 9(1), 1 - 13.
Genetic factors play a key role in determining resistance and susceptibility to malaria infection. Therefore, a study to assess haemoglobin genotype variants
in malaria infected patients of the General Outdoor Patients Departments (GOPD) of Jos University Teaching Hospital and Plateau State Specialist Hospital,
Jos, Plateau State was carried out. Thick and thin film were used for the diagnosis of malaria infection. The genotypes were determined by Standard Operating
Procedure for electrophoreses. 745 samples were examined from both hospitals, 246 (33.0%) were diagnosed positive while 499 (67.0%) were negative.
There was a significant difference in malaria infection in relation to genotypes. HbAA genotype were the most infected with malaria parasites
followed by HbAS genotype and the least was HbSS genotype. There was no significant difference in malaria infection in relation to gender.
Females were more infected with malaria parasites compared to males. Malaria infection in relation to age groups and genotypes showed a significant difference.
Age group 16 to 20 and ≥46 had the highest infection rate. There was a significant difference in trophozoite stage in relation to genotypes. Out of 246 infected patients,
244 (99.2%) were diagnosed at the trophozoite stage, while 2 (0.81%) with the gametocyte stage. There was a significant difference in malaria infection in relation to Plasmodium species.
245 (99.56%) were infected with Plasmodium falciparum while 1 (0.41%) were infected with P. malariae. There was a significant difference in P. falciparum infection in relation to genotypes.
P. falciparum infected more HbAA compared to HbAS and HbSS. This study shows that all haemoglobin genotype variants were susceptible to malaria infection. Therefore, there is a need for
government to use media to broadcast the importance of haemoglobin genotype test for each and every individual and make it free for effective treatment of malaria infection.
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Recovery and Characterization of Used Lubricating Oil Using Acid With Two Different Adsorbents
S M Anisuzzaman; Jashera Reddy.
Transactions on Science and Technology, 9(1), 14 - 20.
This study is a form of experimental analysis that utilizes used lubricating oil (ULO) in order to reclaim base oil by using a combination of acetic acid and two different adsorbents namely aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and river sand (RS). The two different adsorbents were used to compare for better quality of oil using the same method. The characterization of the recovered ULO samples was conducted by using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and the viscosity was tested by using the viscometer. Based on the results obtained, the Al2O3 seems to be a better adsorbent than RS in several tests such as density, sludge removal and viscosity. For better viscosity and mass of sludge values, the Al2O3 adsorbent is more suitable compared to the RS. It was found that by using Al2O3, there is a 26% viscosity reduction for ULO samples. By using RS, 6.67% viscosity reduction was found for ULO samples. 24.9% and 25.7% of sludge removal was found in ULO samples by Al2O3 and RS, respectively. FTIR analysis showed that before treatment oxidative compounds such as alkens and helides were present in the ULO and UEO samples. However, after treatment by both of the adsorbents, the oxidative compounds were removed. The removal of the alkenes and alkyl halides has evidently indicated the treatment was able to remove the oxidative compounds in the oil.
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Short Communication
Anticoccidial Activity of Amprosul (Agrar®) on Sporulation of Eimeria maxima Oocysts
Bosede A. Ogwurike; Akwashiki Ombugadu; Njila Livinus Hasley; James I. Maikenti; Victor A. Adejoh; Samson A. Da’an; Sylvester A. Attah; Joseph O. Ayim; Bukola A. Ajide; Oluwamuyiwa O. Baiyewu; Innocent A. Polycarp.
Transactions on Science and Technology, 9(1), 21 - 25.
Sporulation is necessary if the life cycle of an Eimeria oocyst is to continue. Therefore, the study on anticoccidial activity of Amprosul (Agrar®)
on sporulation of Eimeria maxima oocysts was investigated. The sporulation rates of oocysts of Eimeria maxima isolated from broiler chickens infected but not medicated and those infected and medicated with 0.5g and 1g of Amprosul (Agrar ®)/l of water were studied at room temperature. Normal oocysts, N (isolated from infected, unmedicated birds) sporulated faster and in greater numbers than principal oocysts P1 and P2 isolated from infected, medicated chickens (with 0.5g and 1g of Amprosul/l of water respectively). Oocysts isolated from chickens that received the higher dose of the drug sporulated slower and in lower numbers than those isolated from chickens treated with the lower dose. Average sporulation rate in relation to the treatments at 36, 48 and 72 hours respectively showed a very high significant difference (P < 0.001) while no significant variation (P > 0.05) was observed across treatments at the 96th hour. In conclusion, this study shows that Amprosul (Agrar®) drug can inhibit the sporulation of chicken Eimeria oocysts which will help in the termination of coccidiosis breaks in poultry houses resulting to huge economic gain.
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