Oxalate acid is one of the most common antinutrients found in many agricultural materials. Anti-nutritional factors are compounds capable of causing a reduction in the utilisation of nutrients when consumed as foods. Limitations in the use of food and feed occur due to the presence of these endogenous substances. This study investigates the effect of soaking in sodium chloride (NaCl) and boiling treatments on oxalate content in taro grown in North Sumatra. The results showed that all treatments had no significant effect on yield value. The soaking at 5% NaCl and boiling significantly reduced the oxalate acid content in direct relation to the longer soaking period and boiling time, respectively. The study found that boiling treatment for 5 min gave the best result in oxalate acid reduction, with 96.63% remaining at 42.42 mg/100 g compared to the fresh sample (1272.56 mg/100 g). Among all treated samples, only samples boiled for 5 min were considered safe to consume based on their toxicity level, which was below 50 mg/100 g but still not recommended since the value was above 25 mg/100 g. Further treatments need to be considered to lower the amount to below its safe level. All treatments showed no significant difference in colour property, which indicated that the treatments did not affect the sample characteristics, but the total starch content of the soaked sample was significantly reduced due to starch diffusion in water.
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