Abstract and References
Transactions on Science and Technology Vol. 5, No. 2, 155 - 170, 2018

The Fishery of the Mangrove Crabs, Scylla spp in Three Selected Areas of the Philippines

Ruby Castrence-Gonzales, Jessie G. Gorospe, Mark Anthonny J. Torres, Helen J. Vicente, Elnor C. Roa, Cesar G. Demayo

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The effect of unsustainable fishing practices, on the fishery and biology of the Scylla species was investigated in four stations in the Philippines based on primary and secondary data.  Results show that the combined catch profile revealed a decreasing trend in the last ten years. Evaluation of crabs in the landing stations show that from a total of 644 individuals measured in terms of carapace length, carapace width and body weight, size and sexual maturity, computed length-weight relationships revealed that the growth is allometric and the size of S. serrata is decreasing. It is important to note from the results of the survey that S. serrata was the most exploited since it was shown to be the majority of crabs harvested and sold because they are not only the largest among the three species but because it is popular for both the local and export market. Aquaculture, unregulated fishing practices and the empirical data generated in this study may affect the fishery and biology of the species needing appropriate management interventions especially in regulating the collections of crabs in the wild that are not mature and in reproductive age.

KEYWORDS: Carapace, length-weight, allometric, aquaculture, unregulated fishing


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