Abstract and References
Transactions on Science and Technology Vol. 4, No. 3, 224-231, 2017

Biochemical Content of Two Sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) Cultivars Under Dry Heat and Moist Heat Treatment

Amir Husni Mohd Shariff, Wong Mei Mei, Adibah Yahya, Madihah Mat Salleh, Nida Iqbal, Wan Rashidah Wan Abdul Kadir, Rozita Ahmad, Sharifudin Md. Sharaani, Mariam Firus Mat Nordin, Mona Zakaria

Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) is one of the important nutritious crops in Malaysia classified as high-energy and capable to sustain populations for multiple generations. The aim is to analyse and compare the composition of biochemical compounds in two cultivars of sweet potatoes under different treatments. All the readings except pH were expressed as sampled percentage and on dry mater basis. The moisture content of moist sweet potatoes ranged from 71.43 to 74.63%, whilst dry heat at 64.11-72.59%. The pH of moist heat sweet potatoes is approaching alkaline values (6.20-6.32), whilst dry heat samples are acidic (5.68 to 6.20). The crude ash (2.34 to 2.67%), crude fiber (3.25 to 3.91%), crude protein (3.51 to 3.40%), digestible protein (2.44 to 2.72), non-digestible protein (0.79-2.09) and total carbohydrates (26.57 to 16.52) content were significantly higher dry heat sweet potatoes compared to moist heat sweet potatoes. Digestible protein is significantly higher in dry heat treatment than in moist heat sample and the reverse was true for non-digestible protein. Dry heat sweet potatoes were found to be more nutritious, compared to the moist heat sweet potatoes and findings are discussed. Orange fleshed sweet potato cultivar is more nutritious compared to Purple fleshed cultivar, under dry heat treatment and also under moist heat treatment; albeit at some lower degree. The amount of biochemical compositions in sweet potatoes is seen to be influenced by cultivars, heat treatment, geographical location, climate, weather and terrestrial factors when compared with data elsewhere.

KEYWORDS: Sweet potatoes; Biochemical compounds; Heat and moist dry

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