Abstract and References
Transactions on Science and Technology Vol. 4, No. 3-3, 312-317, 2017

Sequencing of Coral Genomes Obtained From the Environment

Dexter Jiunn Herng Lee, Christopher Lok Yung Voo

Cultured Acropora gemmifera and A. tenuis obtained from the environment were sequenced and the sequenced obtained were binned. The corals were obtained from a coral farm located in the waters near the shores of Semporna, Sabah. The absence of symbionts commonly associated with corals, as well as the presence of reads with no hits, suggest that a more comprehensive and exhaustive database should be used instead of the current database. The presence of contaminants and the variability of the symbionts may vary depending on the location and environment from which the corals were obtained.

KEYWORDS: DNA sequencing; environmental samples; corals; binning; contaminants

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